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Bride in a boho wedding dress

Choose your bridal appointment guests carefully


Choose your bridal appointment guests carefully

Bridal boutiques usually limit the number of guests you can bring with you to your bridal appointment. At Indie Bride London, you are limited to 3 guests. It’s helpful and makes it a lot of fun to have guests with you at your bridal appointments. After all, your guests are the ones who know you best. I would, however, advise you to choose your bridal crew carefully. 


Bridal consultant adjusting a bride's dress

Out with the negativity…

Honesty is what you want when asking for advice from your family and friends, but sometimes they don’t use the best words to express their honest opinions. Every now and then, I meet a guest who points out all the negative things she sees when the bride tries on dresses (sample dresses that most likely are not the perfect fit for the bride). It breaks my heart to see a bride, excited about her bridal appointment and obviously loving a dress that suits her wedding and body shape perfectly, be told it’s not the right dress for her by someone in the group just because they don’t like the dress. You don’t want to feel obligated to accommodate the comments, opinions, and requests of every guest you bring with you, especially if they contradict how you truly feel. 

…and in with the positivity

A bridal appointment for wedding dress shopping can be a very personal experience, and you might even feel quite vulnerable trying on and choosing the most important dress of your life in front of other people, no matter how close and dear they are to you. You want to surround yourself with honest, yet positive people. The kind who respects your desires and understands what you are looking for in a wedding dress. 


Bride looking in the mirror

How to ensure that your bridal appointment will go smoothly

  • Make sure you bring supportive guests who can read the room. Your guests need to support you in your decision and swallow their own negative comments, even if you end up choosing a dress they don’t happen to like. 
  • It’s a good practice to share with your guests before your bridal appointment what kind of dress you want to wear on your wedding day, so that they are on the same page with you and don’t push their ideas on you.
  • If you feel like someone will be too hard to deal with during your bridal appointment, don’t invite them. Instead, show them pictures of your favourite dresses you tried on and ask their opinion on which one suits you and your wedding the best. This way, they can still feel part of the selection process without having too much influence over you.

With the support of the right people, buying your wedding dress will be an amazing experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life. So, choose your bridal crew well, ladies!



